Gooseberry Tea Recipe

Gooseberry Tea Recipe:


1 teaspoon of black tea (or green, according to your taste)
1 cup of boiling water
1/4 cup fresh or frozen gooseberry berries
Honey or sugar to taste (optional)


Place the tea in a teapot or cup.

Pour boiling water over the tea.

Let the tea brew for 3-5 minutes (or according to the instructions on the package).

At this time, rinse the gooseberries, remove excess stems.

After brewing the tea, add the gooseberries to the cup.

If you want, add honey or sugar for sweetness.

Stir the contents of the cup.

Let the tea brew for a few more minutes so that the aroma and taste of gooseberries permeate the drink.

Stir the tea again before serving.

Serve and enjoy fragrant tea with gooseberries.

This drink will be refreshing and pleasantly sweet and sour, giving your tea a unique taste.

Useful properties:   
Tea - contains vitamins.
Gooseberry - helps strengthen joints.

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Gooseberry Tea Recipe